• Beverry Lanolin Whitening Cream 50ml

贝丽羊脂美白霜 50毫升

具有美白,防晒,防皱功能,成份来自维生素C,E 及多种天然植物萃取素,除了美白,防晒,防皱,分解皮肤沉积黑色素进行去斑功能,并抑制黑色素形成,促进皮肤新陈代谢,预防肌肤松弛,有效补充肌肤美日所需营养物质,滋润美白肌肤防止老化。



US$20.88 (31% OFF)


Your skin naturally creates melanin, but sometimes produces more than normal, which causes darker patches of skin (pigmentation).

Natural plant extract visibly reduces the appearance of uneven skin tone, measurably improves uneven skin tone and minimizes the visible effects of sun damage and skin stresses.

Gentle enough to be used twice a day, everyday. This non-irritating/non-drying formula is suitable for all skin types.